Put on your dancing shoes!
Exactly one year ago today, on March 21st, 2006, we launched what we call the social version of eSnips. Social meant that for the first time, users could tag their content and, more importantly, click on those tags to find other users who used the same tag to describe their pictures, music, videos and other content. Almost overnight, we noticed an explosion of tags, and with it, an increase in the amount of time people spent exploring eSnips. Yes, it's obvious that tags are the way to go, but we were still surprised at the immediate jump in every stat: from the number of people joining eSnips to the number of page views per person.
This next year should bring lots of exciting new features and great communities based on amazing new content! As we look ahead, I'd love to hear your feedback on eSnips in the past year, what you liked, and what you think is missing.
Now, where's the cake??