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November 22, 2007


Chan Wai Man

I cannot upload photos on these days. When upload complete, it says "policy error".

Please help to fix the problem, thanks.


Chan, we have a limit of 250 files per folder. The limit is for any file type, including images. Simply open a new folder and upload your photos to it.


well, sooner or later i knew this was going to happen to esnips...

it was fun while it lasted but i guess esnips has fallen to the fate of other free mp3 downloading sites... getting warned by recording companies...

we should find a new substitute for this soon, or we'll be deprived of good music... and be drawn to get infected with viruses thru limewire...


As a member of this site I very much appreciate you in regards of stopping download songs by default but am facing a problem in selecting the download option in every song one by one to give the download permision, as I have uploded more than 200 songs. So, please make me possible to select so many songs at a time to give download persion, if possible.


wtd dudu i want to go buy more cd and i cant bown loud thing wtf is woring with u guys and i find some fck in cool song to


Manden Instrucciones para hacer el downloading.

Asi como esta no sirve para nada.

En realidad uno pierde el tiempo.

ian ahern

u guys suck now! i was gonna put my favorite songs on my mp3 but i can't cuz u took away the download button! if u dont bring it back, u guys will suck my balls 4ever!

You Suck esnipes

Esnipes sucks!!!!! you guys are gay no more downloads, no more visits. Im erasin my page after I post this.Good luck runnin this homo lovin website. Did u get scared of the artists sayn they would beat u up and tell on u? Bunch of girls. Peace jokers.


Esnipes sucks!!!!! you guys are gay no more downloads, no more visits. Im erasin my page after I post this.Good luck runnin this homo lovin website. Did u get scared of the artists sayn they would beat u up and tell on u? Bunch of girls. Peace jokers.


Many of my MP3 collections had been removed. This kind of behaviour don't breed confident in your system. I'm very sorry.

Simply, Why?




I am having problem with esnips, and i dont know where to post it...

why my files are removed?

since couple of weeks I am getting the message "File removed" when ever i try to find some music on esnips....

but today only i found that my files are also removed from my folder....

can any one provide me reason for it? ....my email is [email protected]

I would appreciate if someone mail me the reason behind it...

Take Care All

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