What do you want people to think when they look at your profile? “Who is this guy?” or maybe “wow, this person sounds interesting, I’d love to get to know him.”
Prefer the latter? Let your profile say more about you by adding some basics: your photo, age, gender, and country. Then, if you feel so inclined, add a bit more in the “About me” section – tell us about your hobbies, what’s important to you, and what you share on eSnips… just to mention a few ideas.
My favorite part of the profile is the “Philosophy of Life” sentence. First, it’s clear that a lot of people really put an effort into thinking up a one-sentence statement about who they really are and second, it can tell me almost all I need to know about a person. A few of my favorites are Genise’s “Music was my first love and it will be my last!” (Anyone who is even a bit familiar with Genise knows that that’s absolutely true) and Olga’s “When life hands you lemons, grab the salt and the Tequila baby!" (Hey, she lives in Las Vegas, too!)
If you’ve just thought of a really cool Philosophy of Life, leave me a comment, below. I want to take a look.
To update your profile info, sign into your account, click the profile tab, and then choose “Edit your personal details” on the top right.
i think that u just can randomly enter others users accounts here on esnips and look their philosophy of life u can find a lot of interesting things
Posted by: Sergey-kun | October 21, 2007 at 10:58 PM