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February 18, 2007


Muhammad Adil

great to see who are working behind this great solution. but i would like to know from them when they are increasing our space from 1GB to ...
if they have any plans, they would like to share.

Muhammad Adil

and one more thing which i would like to have in your site and you don't have any place where we can get feed back or a place where we can suggest new feature from your site. If you have and i don't know can you please email the link. I will be very great full to you guys.and if you don't have then add it.
well done and keep it up.


Muhammad, thanks for the compliments :)
We're always glad to get comments and suggestions about eSnips. Send it to feedback AT eSnips DOT com!




Thank you very much!I love this site!

Muhammad Adil

Hay guys you really have taken me seriously and today you have upgraded space to 5 GB. that's great. You people are genius. Thanks. I have send you guys a feedback on the above email and now that problem is also not coming. Thanks again. Keep it up but i am desperately waiting to see the people behind marketing. As you promised last week.

Lee Shyaron

esnips rocks nd u all rock!
It's a great file sharing site.
Thanks a lot for the 5GB upgrade.
I wanted 2 ask you tat do u get all the money for running the servers smoothly from google adds or you have to spend from your pockets?
Anyway, its a gr8 site nd I love it.
Thanks 2 you all :)


doing good job.
keep it up



Muhammad Adil

there is one thing which i would like to fix in your site is, if i am not sign in, then the updates on my page are not up to date. for example, if 25 people hit my site actually, it will be showing 20. so it has to be real time. what you guys think.

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