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December 05, 2006



hey if u a hiphop rap fan then check out www.betarecords.com/w3z listen to tha trackz they are hott

Ian Goldsmid

hhhmmm, well I tried 5 times uploading a zip file of only 6mb today - using both the web interface, and the downloaded eSnips application - it spent minutes uploading (broadband) and reported failure every time, seemingly at the end of the upload..

I am so far not impressed...


There's a 5mb limit on zip and rar files. There's no size limit on other file formats.


Please. No more new features until the eSnips core *always* works well. I tried to eSnip today, but instead received another error message.

Unknown error: 0x800A151E

I *LOVE* eSnips when it's working. However, it's irritating as the dickens when it will not.

Again, if money is the problem, eSnips is valuable enough to me that I'll pay for 24/7 access at least 99% of the time. Free is worthless when the free product doesn't work!

(Now, where's Google Notebook?)


There was a version upgrade today (I'll write more about that soon) and so there were interruptions in the service for a short time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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