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September 28, 2006


Victoria (a.k.a. "Rebecca")

Hi Efrat & Tomer (& all)

You are doing a super-fantastic job! I'm sure your investors are really pleased with what you've been able to do with e-SNIPS in such a short time!
Way to show the world....



Is there, perhaps, any Developer API tools to be found on the eSnips website? If not, are there plans to release them?

Thanks, Corey.


I love this site what are wonderful site created for people like us keep up the good job

Lorenz @ XARC Mastering

I just recently discovered eSnips and definitely will be using it now - good work mate.

Lorenz @ XARC Mastering

I´ve just recentely disovered eSnips and have been using it regulary since. Good work mate!

гей чат знакомства

в конце концов: спасибо!!

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