eSnips has been growing very quickly, especially over the last couple of weeks, causing a significant load on our servers. We're all working tirelessly on upgrading the service and apologize in advance for the interruptions some of you may experience during the upcoming week.
We appreciate your support and patience and promise to do our best to keep interruptions down to a minimum and to complete the work as fast as we can.
just needing to know why my mp3 is opening in fast frward mode on all my files
thank you
Posted by: sheree | September 02, 2006 at 05:12 AM
I cannot access my account! And when I go to my web address, there's nothing in my folder!
Posted by: savennia | September 03, 2006 at 07:44 AM
emmm how do i find out the url that my file is stored at please?
Posted by: liam | September 03, 2006 at 05:04 PM
HI !,
It would be great to have a playlist for mp3 player... It's very unconfortable to start each song manualy. And also to play next song when the previous one is finished (winamp style).
Many thanks,
Posted by: Dan | September 05, 2006 at 11:43 AM
I like the idea of an eSnips-specific player - but what's wrong with it?
I listened to the audio book file I posted at the URL above, and it is very high-pitched and fast.
It played normally before, and I was wondering of that is one of the problesm you are fixing.
eSnips is a great, great idea and a boon to the WWW. I am preparimg a number of books to sell, and look forward to this tool working as soon as possible.
Posted by: Dallas Tanner | September 11, 2006 at 04:57 AM
please make a search for like the top 100 most popular folders or something would be great to find others with a lot of stuff and be cool to see how my folder is ranked compared to my fellow esnipers :D
Posted by: master | September 14, 2006 at 10:12 PM
How come that people I've sent a link this evening to my Esnips, folders or files, don't come there?
They only get a message: Page canot be find...
Also the homepage from ESnips was not available...
I, myself had no problems, and the links were ok..
I like your site but I hope this is only temporarely
Greetings from Holland!
Posted by: Zevendedwerg | September 30, 2006 at 01:46 AM
I'm Internet Consultant from Poland and I would like to use your esnips service for my customer. He is vice president of one of bank in Poland. I found your service very attractive to keep and share his research resources data: PDFs, Docs etc.
One problem is that I have to be sure that his data will not disappear. I should be able to backup the data stored at your service on local computer. Do you have any export/backup possibility (API).
My customer has 2GB of data to upload and sort according to his tags. Do you have any API to make some scripts to upload it to his account in esnips automatically. I am sure you have api since there is extension for FF but where I can get documentation.
More over I would like to know do you have API/extension to integrate eSnips with Wordpress. My customer is blogging and It would be nice to have easy way to integrate booth.
One more thing, your search doesn't allow to search in the content of PDF and Doc files. Do you have any plan to do it...
Jan Gorski
ps. I had problem to contact with anybody in e-snips. I was using the support form but nobody did answer.
Posted by: Jan Gorski | November 06, 2006 at 11:40 AM
I am really excited. Keep up the great work. Good resources here.
Posted by: kiloutimuk | September 13, 2007 at 02:06 AM