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August 18, 2006



It is very very BOGUS site it always shows Maximum bandwidth is full try another day


Great way to describe how you work. Most artists shy away from that inherent modest part of themselves. We get too busy trying to merge our energies with all around us. A Universal approach no doubt but it disects growth - in a way where we lose touch with ourselves and live our experiences quite apart from what we are percieved to be.
Great going dude - you ROCKK....

Makeda Saraj

I love esnips.com and what it has allowed me to do! I am an author, just starting out and I have been able to use esnips.com to post as a home so that people can preview my new novel, OG THE STORY OF A THUG AND A LADY...for free! I am very excited about what it is doing and where it seems to be going! Keep up the good work, guys!

Makeda Saraj


Sourabh Dhar


Check out my folders. I may not be a Super Snip(p)er, but just let me know if my stuff helps people in general & MBA Students in particular.

My most read folder.


My web have 5,000 visitors. I'm proud about it.


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