The next eSnips Spotlight Week is coming up at the end of the month and this time we’ll put the spotlight on our wonderful community of karaoke singers. Karaoke Week will feature singing eSnippers (you know who you are) performing their favorite songs. But it gets better: one of you will win an iPod!
More information on the contest will come soon, but why wait? Submit your songs today. All you have to do is tag your best song (or songs, if you're really good) with the following tag: karaoke_week_summer06.
Only songs tagged with karaoke_week_summer06 will enter the contest (please make sure you tag the file itself and not the entire folder).
Be sure to invite all your karaoke buddies too. The more songs we have, the better the competition will be.
In honor of the Karaoke Week we even made Snippy, our eSnips bird, sing :-)