Have you submitted your song? Did you forget? It’s not too late! Submit your best karaoke performance by tagging it with "karaoke_week_summer06" and we'll be in touch with you.
Here are a few suggestions we have on how you can improve your chances of winning the contest (and the iPod nano, of course):
- Make sure you describe your competing song with the song title, the original artist, and, if you wish, a bit about your interpretation.
- Make sure you uploaded your picture to your profile page. Remember: you and your song will be featured on the homepage during the contest week; people will want to see what you look like!
- Invite all your friends and family to listen to the competing songs during the contest week and to vote for their favorite.
- Do you have a website or blog? Perfect. Place an eSnips widget of your song on your site and make it easy for your visitors to go, listen and vote for it.
- Let us know what websites and forums you and your karaoke friends love to visit, and we'll try to promote the contest in these sites.
More information on the contest can be found on the contest page and the detailed contest rules are here.
Good luck to everyone!