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May 13, 2006


Bruce J. Brown


I finally have a chance to write and say how much I enjoy esnips. It is now one of the first things I check when I turn on my computer. Keep up the great work.



Hey can anyone tell mw where can I find,
Head First JSP & Servlet,
Oreilly Publication. PDF copy.


i've uploaded 2 songs of mine one vocals and one instrumental.i'll be glad if you guys chekd it out.mail me so that i can invite you.i belive you'll like the tracks.
love joel



I am having problem with esnips, and i dont know where to post it...

why my files are removed?

since couple of weeks I am getting the message "File removed" when ever i try to find some music on esnips....

but today only i found that my files are also removed from my folder....

can any one provide me reason for it? ....my email is [email protected]

I would appreciate if someone mail me the reason behind it...

Take Care All

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