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March 23, 2006



May be to add:
Может добавить на страницу информацию про дневной трафик?
Чтобы можно было следить сколько осталось...


I love the new layout man... This is one of the best sites out there...

Christian Bradley

If you can add a firefox extension (non-EXE) version of the toolbar, you'll snag me away from clipmarks.com for sure :)


Hi there Esnips
This site is the find of the year for me. It keeps my family connected via pictures


I like it very much


The current tool set only support one level of directories below the web url (www.esnips.com/web/blah). This will probably make it harder and harder in the future to define unique folders. It would be very useful to allow at least 2 levels, maybe more to allow us to organize related file sets. For example I would like to have a travel folder with sub folders holding pictures from each trip that I take.

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